Lot No.1 - Conducting renovation works in the educational buildings and dormitories of the Specialized Banking School named after the Hero of Turkmenistan A.Niyazov, as well as on their exterior walls (surrounding area), including the renewal of roofs (asbestos-cement sheets) as needed. Lot No.2 - Procurement and installation of 100 (one hundred) special two-tier beds for the rooms in the dormitories of the Specialized Banking School named after the Hero of Turkmenistan A.Niyazov.
Санал авах
Бид вэб сайтынхаа мэдээллийн vнэн зєв байдал, шинэчлэлтийг сайжруулахыг эрмэлзэж байгаа ч манай бvх мэдээлэл алдаагvй хэмээн баталж чадахгvй.
Танд энэ анхааруулгыг сайжруулах, єєрчлєхтэй холбоотой дурын санал байвал бидэнд ирvvлнэ vv.