conducting a test inspection of natural ventilation systems (ducts) at the site "60-apartment residential building No. 7 according to the general plan of multi-apartment residential development in the Kolos microdistrict in Bykhov (stage 2) with improvement of the adjacent territory (stage 1 of construction - 20 apartments)" (residential building, improvement), conducting laboratory and instrumental studies of noise parameters (elevator equipment) at the site "60-apartment residential building No. 7 according to the general plan of multi-apartment residential development in the Kolos microdistrict in Bykhov (stage 2) with improvement of the adjacent territory (stage 1 of construction - 20 apartments)" (residential building, improvement)
худалдан авах Төлөвлөдөг
Бид вэб сайтынхаа мэдээллийн vнэн зєв байдал, шинэчлэлтийг сайжруулахыг эрмэлзэж байгаа ч манай бvх мэдээлэл алдаагvй хэмээн баталж чадахгvй.
Танд энэ анхааруулгыг сайжруулах, єєрчлєхтэй холбоотой дурын санал байвал бидэнд ирvvлнэ vv.